Saturday 13 August 2016

Men,How many of these life rules do you live by?

Everyone wants to be healthy including men, and in many cases, they try and take care of themselves by watching what they eat and getting exercise on a regular basis. However, we live in a society where men’s health, grooming and lifestyle is not a key topic. We’ll rather focus on bashing another woman on all the fashion and beauty mistakes she’s done but men also need to be educated constantly on the essence of looking good, living healthy and staying presentable. Here are few tips every man must know.

Smell Good
Men please smell good it adds so much to your self-value. For Christ sake the horrid smell that comes from your armpit and groin area is terrible. Learn to have time for your body. Take a good bath, use lovely cologne. Women watch these things a lot so grab a new shirt and pants plus undies from your wardrobe every day. Try to iron them too.

No one wants to see your pubic hair in your armpit and elsewhere so do yourself the honour of shaving. Shave your penis area too and make sure is very clean. Having a great shaving culture makes you 10  times attractive.  Have a haircut at least 2-3 weeeks. There is a reason why you are a man and the lady is called a woman. Leave it at that.

Try to exercise in moderation as a man. Our bodies tend to suffer a lot of both physical and psychological abuse and exhaustion. Try to eat healthy and exercise. I’m not asking you to become hulk or get some superhero figure. Just do it in moderation.

See your doctor
Instead of seeing the hospitals as some weird facility or one for sick people rather make it one place you frequent. Make your doctor your best friend. Constant check-up means constant meet up with a professional

Quit  smoking
Health experts believe smoking can be a major cause of sexual dysfunction in men.  Studies have found that a majority of men who suffer from ED are smokers, and that smoking can also reduce sperm count and quality.  Smoking damages the small arteries that feed blood to the penis, making it difficult at times to maintain an erection.

Learn to manage stress in your life
You don’t own all of life’s problems and neither will your anxiety make the problems or the office issues go away. So relax, have time for yourself, go on vacation. Basically, learn to manage stressful situations very well else it’ll explode and you might get a heart attack.

Nail etiquette
Just don’t grow long nails and keep them for no apparent reason. Long and dirty nails are a breeding point for germs. It’s wise if you keep your finger and toe nails short and clean.

Make sure your feet and shoes are clean
I honestly pity women who go through the pain of taking off their husband’s shoes after work especially the smelly ones. Here’s an unconventional way of driving away the smell- put  dry teabag in your shoes and dry in the sun, it’ll take that “dead rat” smell away.

Be a Gentleman
They say chivalry is dead but I honestly don’t think that’s the case. Treat a woman right. Learn to respect people of all race, colour, background and sex. Men stop being chauvinistic and objectifying women. A woman is just more than “sexy” or beautiful. Try to know her better .

Don’t go after a friend’s wife or girlfriend

Keep a secret when told in confidence

Learn the craft of small talk

Never cancel at the last minute – this is a sure fire way to not be invited back

Never be late – unless carrying a worthy excuse. Maybe not even then

Know when you’re wrong, and when to say sorry

Say thank you, a lot. It goes a long way. And always send a thank you letter

Leave your arrogance in your teens

Choose books over television

Don’t crave being the center of attention

Take a risk every now and then, and break out of your comfort zone. Regret is a nasty thing

Be confident, but accept when you’re in need of help

Take a compliment as well as you can give one

Watch what you eat, take care of what you wear and have pride in how you conduct yourself.

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