Saturday 2 July 2016

How to BANISH garlic breath with lemon juice

GARLIC is such a vital ingredient in so many cuisines around the globe, but why does it leave us with such bad breath and is there any way we can avoid it?

The addition of garlic to any dish is delicious but no matter how hard you try to get rid of the smell and taste - brushing your teeth ten times or chewing a whole pack of minty gum - it just won’t seem to budge. 

It turns out that in understanding how best to get rid of the odor, you need to first understand how it sticks in the first place. 
When we eat garlic, an enzyme is released called allyl methyl sulfide. 
This enzyme has a strong odor, similar to sulphuric compounds, and can remain in adults for up to 24 hours. 
Part of how it lasts so long is how it’s engrossed into the body.
Studies have found the gas absorbs into the blood and get transferred to the lungs where it gets exhaled. 
It can also be excreted through the pores of the skin, which also explains why the smell lingers. 
This is why brushing your teeth or chewing minty gum won’t work, as the garlic smell is sitting in your lungs. 
The best way to get rid of bad garlic breath is lemon juice.
The juice neutralizes the enzymes and, like magic, the smell disappears. 
So don’t shy away from your garlic-filled favorites. 
Try some water with lemon or opt for a lemony dessert - problem solved. 


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