Saturday 16 July 2016

How to attract Women in a way they can't Resist You

Attracting Women seems to be harder each passing day, since it seems like the women are ONLY interested in something they can get. But we should get that mentality off our head, there are several ways in which men can legally attract women, and not through money.

There are several reasons why Women are attracted to men. Although it’s certain and studies have shown, that tastes vary on an individual-by-individual basis.

But according to a recent research, which shows that women in general, tend to prefer some traits in men. And the good news? Some of these traits which women find attractive in Men are within your control.

Powerful Traits Women Find Attractive in Men

1.A sense of fun
This is the big one: Absolutely nothing is a bigger turn-off to attractive women than a buzz-kill. All women -- especially the most attractive ones -- are looking for men who like to have fun and do adventurous, unusual, even dangerous things. It’s instantly intriguing. It’s immediately enticing. It’s an escape from the humdrum of everyday.
Women will absolutely obsess over a genuinely fun guy who flirts a little, shows them a good time, and then doesn’t call the next day. So remember: Predictability is attractive to some women -- ones looking for a husband. But when it comes to choosing their next date, fun wins out every time.

2.A Deep Voice:
The deep voice? Well, according to studies, Women find men with deep voices sexy and very attractive.
It shows that women value physical symmetry because, it always is a sign of good health and good genes for the screaming hordes of babies they plan to make with you.
Women believe that the deeper a man’s voice, the more likely he is to be symmetrical. Just the way it is.

We all know this trait, a larger number of Women seems to prefer tall Men. It’s a deep seated believe to Women. There seems to be no definition as to why most women prefers taller men to the shorter ones.

4.A V-Shaped Torso
OK, big fella, listen up: It’s a scientific fact that attractive women have an unconscious attraction to “dominant” men. In fact, the dominant males in some primate groups account for up to 75% of all the matings with desirable females. Same goes for humans. Attractive women love men who know what they want and go after it.
But, I’m not talking about the kind of assertiveness that makes her feel intimidated or uncomfortable, or oversteps her boundaries. I'm talking about the kind of assertive stance that's all about setting a goal and then going after it with passion. Women get turned on by that kind of dominance.

5.Sense of Humor.
This is vice-versa, Guys would always love to date a girl who will laugh at their jokes, and the same goes for the guys. But it seems like the ratio is much higher. Women prefers Men with sense of humor.
According to Dr. Cindy M. Meston, who said that women like men who make them laugh. Men, she says, prefer women who laugh at their jokes.

6. Smell
Yeah, this always seems undefinable. It is understandable that there is no single most-attractive scent that all Women loves. But according to studies, Women smell symmetry, just like they can hear it.
This is one of the reason why it is advisable, that Men shouldn’t mask their natural scent with body spray.

7. Generosity
This one’s your secret weapon. Attractive women can get almost anything they want in life from men, so don’t try to impress them with gifts. Impress them by showing that you spend your time thinking about the welfare of others. Make a donation, help out someone less fortunate, donate time at a soup kitchen, and invite her along to see you in action.
All of this will send her heart a-fluttering. And by the way (and much more importantly), you’ll be doing good for the world too.

Flaunt this trait at your own peril. Intelligence can be very attractive to beautiful women, but only if used in the right way. In other words, a way that’s humble and interesting. Use your intelligence to surprise an attractive woman with off-the-wall, fun ideas, fantasies and unexpected things, and you’ll charm her.
Formal education, however, is only attractive if it’s used in this interesting way. If you’re an expert in an area that’s cool, present it from an “I know a lot about this, let me show you” perspective, and not an “I’m so smart and you’re not” angle. Also be aware that some attractive women are actually intimidated by a man with a deep education, so step carefully.

10. Confidence
Lastly, Men who wants to attract Women should have confidences in themselves. You simply can’t hate yourself, and someone will love you. It has to start within you.
Always try to love yourself, but not to the point of Narcissism.

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