Tuesday 12 May 2015

Few Things To Do Each Morning To Start Your Day On A Positive Note

How you start your morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. So if you want to be productive, feel energized and happy, and incorporate these five practices into your daily life.

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
Joshua 1:8
Oh how love I Thy law! it is my meditation all the day.” Psalm 119:97

Christianity is not a legal relationship, it is a love relationship. Ten thousand “don'ts” will never make you one iota more like the Lord Jesus Christ. It is Jesus Himself Who makes you like Him. But you need to spend time with Him. I want to give you five factors for spending some quiet time with Him each day.You must find the right time. Your quiet time should last at least half an hour. But some time is better than no time, so if you can’t start at thirty minutes, begin with ten. It should be your very best time. Don't give the Lord your leftovers. And don't try to find time — make time, and make it a priority. Also find time early in the day. Psalm 5:3 says, “… in the morning will I direct my prayer unto Thee, and will look up.” You don't take the trip and then read the map, do you? Spend time alone with God to begin your day.A quiet time is fellowship with a holy God.
There are a few things you can do to be prepared for this time. First, be physically alert. Find a time when the cobwebs are out of your mind and you can think clearly. Second, be mentally aware. Be focused, and know He’s there. Emotion doesn't really have all that much to do with it. And third, be morally pure and clean. Some people don't have a quiet time because they feel uncomfortable looking God in the face with sin in their lives.Find a place where you can focus. Jesus said enter into your closet and pray (see Matthew 6:6). That simply means find a place of isolation where you can shut the door on the world and open the windows to heaven. Jesus sought out places where He could be alone, and so should you.
In order to have an effective quiet time, you need the right tools. Here are some tools I use:

a readable Bible - Invest in one with plenty of room to jot notes in the margins.
a prayer journal - Expect God to give you something and write it down. Also use it to record things you’re praying about.
a notepad - Write down your daily assignments.

2. Oil pulling

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic remedy where oil is swished or held in the mouth. Ayurvedic literature states oil pulling is capable of improving oral and systemic health, including a benefit in conditions such as headaches, migraines, diabetes mellitus, asthma, and acne, as well as whitening teeth.

All you have to do is, first thing in the morning, put a tablespoon of cold-pressed sesame or coconut oil in your mouth and swish it in your mouth for 10-20 minutes, then spit it out and brush your teeth as per normal.

Studies show that it makes your teeth and gums healthier. On top of that, it whitens your teeth which will hopefully encourage you to smile more!

3. Warm lemon water

Drinking warm water with lemon helps alkalize your body, aids digestion and contains enzymes that stimulate the liver, the most important detoxifying organ. It also contains pectin fiber which helps move the bowels and promote a healthy elimination system. Additionally, it fills your body with vitamin C which is an important antioxidant that helps in a detox process by neutralizing free radicals and boosting the immune system.

This morning ritual, when done regularly, also does wonders to your skin — makes it youthful and glowing due to the amount of antioxidants and vitamins it contains.

4. Jump

The lymphatic system is a part of circulatory system, containing a network of lymphatic vessels that carry a clear fluid called lymph, which is essentially recycled blood plasma. The lymphatic system plays an important role in removing the toxins from the body. However, it's not pumped by an organ, unlike a heart pumps blood. So we need to move in order for our lymphatic system to be moved, so we can benefit from an efficient detoxification process.

Simply do 50 jumping jacks as soon as you get out of bed! It will wake you up and will start pumping your lymphatic system. Jogging, aerobics or dancing is also a great way to achieve this.

5. Classical music

Listening to classical music reduces stress which is very important for your overall health and wellbeing. Studies show that listening to classical music also improves cognitive / mental capacity, which sets you up for a productive and creative day. Known as the "Mozart effect", a set of research contends that listening to Mozart's music can make you momentarily smarter, raising your IQ by a few points while you're listening.

Set your alarm clock 15-30 minutes earlier than usual and listen to Mozart, Bach or Beethoven, etc. while you're still in bed and trying to wake up. Maybe even do your oil pulling during this time!

6. Move

There's no doubt that exercise is beneficial for your physical and mental health, mood, productivity and longevity. If you don't exercise on a regular basis already, then what are you waiting for? If you don't do it because you dread exercise, then it's important to find some activity that you really enjoy. Do you love yoga, dancing, hiking, tennis, swimming, spin classes, Pilates, cycling or lifting weight? When you're having fun, it doesn't feel like work. So instead of calling it "working out" you can rename it to "funning out"!

One amazing benefit of exercising regularly is sweating. Every day you sweat about 10% of water that your body loses. While its main purpose is cooling the body and regulating its temperature, it is also important for cleansing. Sweating helps you release the toxic build-up from your pores, which helps get rid of toxins and also prevents your skin from breaking out. By sweating out those toxins your skin stays clear and radiant.

7.Find something to be grateful for.

Finding a reason to be positive in the morning will prepare you to have a confident attitude throughout the whole day. "You can focus on transforming negative thoughts into positive ones through practicing gratitude.Before getting out of bed, think of something you're thankful for, or challenge yourself to respond to difficult situations with patience and kindness.

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