Tuesday 28 October 2014

SHOCKING:Woman Arrested After Gun in Baby Stroller Accidentally Fires


The fact the 1-year-old is fine, though, is no thanks to trio of armed Adults in Mississippi, who seemed to think it was perfectly acceptable to carry around a loaded gun in a baby stroller with an infant in tow over the weekend.

It is unclear what exactly happened that caused the gun to go off. All that is known for certain is that it did and there was a hole from a gun in the stroller as a result.

The good news is that the baby was unharmed.

According to the Jackson police, Ashonti Kidd was moving around items in the stroller when the gun accidentally discharged. She also said the baby was not in harm’s way because the baby was in her arms at the time.

When police responded to the scene they also found other weapons – including a Taser and a pistol – on Kidd and her two companions who were walking with with Kidd and the baby at the time.

All three adults were ultimately arrested and charged with child endangerment and weapons charges and are currently being held in lieu of $40,000 bond.

A man who works nearby the accidental shooting was dismayed by the close call that could have easily a cost a young child’s life.

“Being in a baby carriage, that’s going a little too far,” Tony Concialdi told WBBJ,  adding that seeing stuff like that was an unfortunate “sign of the times.”

Another neighbor, Fred Smith, said it is just flat-out “ridiculous” to carry around a gun like that.

“I can’t believe anybody would put their child at any kind of risk like that,” he said.

Concialdi agreed that Kidd and her friends actions were just flat-out dangerous.

“Somebody’s gonna get either hurt or die,” he said, stressing there is no reason to put a baby’s – or anyone’s – life at risk with a loaded gun.

The good news is that the baby was unharmed.

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