Wednesday 29 October 2014

FIFA backs African football federation over Ebola measures ahead of Club World Cup

FIFA said it was in regular contact with the World Health Organisation (WHO) in order to help impede the spread of Ebola, known as Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), at sporting events.

"FIFA supports the decision by the Confederation of African Football (CAF) to organise the international matches of the countries currently experiencing EVD intense transmission (Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea) on neutral ground," the statement read.

FIFA also said it recommended clubs "carry out a medical check-up" on players returning from "an international fixture involving a high-risk country".

FIFA confirmed the Club World Cup would go ahead in Morocco in December as planned.

"According to the World Health Organisation there are currently no cases of Ebola reported from Morocco and therefore all preparations continue as planned," the statement read.

"FIFA is monitoring the situation and is in close contact with the Moroccan authorities and constantly updating its position in accordance with WHO technical guidance."

Morocco is set host the Africa Cup of Nations in January and February of next year.


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