Tuesday 23 August 2016

Drinking too much fizzy drinks harms your penis

A new study has shown that men who drink more fizzy drinks with cola can be affected by a low sperm count and were at a greater risk of erectile dysfunction.
According to the report, the research which was undertaken at Copenhagen University Hospital, concluded that men who considered themselves addicted to cola had far less effective.

With a sample size of 2,554 men, the cola addicts in the sample group had an average sperm count of 35 million per millilitre. This is relatively lower than the 56 million per millilitre count in those who consume less drinks containing cola.
A report carried by the UK’s Mirror stated that scientist had “revealed that drinking one litre of the fizzy drink a day could reduce sperm count by a massive 30% and lead to erectile dysfunction.”
A count of 40 million to 300 million is the normal range for the number of sperm per milliliter. Counts below 10 million are considered poor; counts of 20 million or more may be fine if motility and morphology are normal.

Thus the 35 million still falls within the normal range, but means these men who are “addicted” to drinks like Coca Cola are at a greater risk of eventually becoming infertile.

A different study has also concluded that even though getting an erection relies on many factors, both physical and psychological, certain ingredients in fizzy drinks appeared to contribute to general erectile dysfunction.

This was discovered by scientists at the Nicolaus Copernicus University and the Professor Franciszek Lukaszczyk Memorial Hospital in Bydgoszcz in Poland who both asserted that a sweetener in fizzy drinks can lead to damaged arteries in the penis – thus causing a short in the flow of blood through the spongy muscles in the penis.

This however does not mean you cannot drink a bottle of coke every now and then, but excessive over-consumption of fizzy drinks could mean you can’t get it up when you ought to.

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