Sunday 17 July 2016

How to Keep your man Happy Every Day

Every couple goes through periods where they just do not know how to spice up their relationship and stop dreading a breakup. Remember that every day you wake up and have a choice – you can either fight with your partner or make him happy. Do not worry, you will not have to spend a dime to wow your loved one. These steps will guide you on how to keep him happy every day without money and too much effort.

1. Pray with him
Whether he believes in the power of praying or thinks it is just a waste of time, find a way to show him that praying together can heal your souls, save your relationship, and help you find the solutions to all your problems. Spend a few minutes in the morning and before you go to bed praying together. This daily habit will make both of you happy.
2. Participate in his hobby
Whatever interests he has, let him know that you are interested in his hobby too. Just make sure you do it genuinely. If he enjoys hiking or loves video games, join him. If your partner is anything like mine, he will feel amazed, happy and proud of having such a cool girl like you.
3. Text him a love or fun note
The stress at college or work causes stress at home. Texting your partner a few times a day may help him feel less stressed. You never know how a tiny fun or love note can change the whole day. Maybe he will get your text at the very moment when he feels overwhelmed and exhausted. Let him know that you are thinking of him, no matter how busy you are.

4. Touch him unexpectedly and affectionately

Be it a quick kiss or an unexpected hug, he will feel delighted. When two people love each other, they do not need to say anything to express their feelings. When you two are home, keep him happy by touching him affectionately.

5. Hold his hand

There is something magical in holding someone’s hand, especially if someone is a person you love. Hold his hand when you and your partner spend time together to increase emotional intimacy in your relationship.

6. Compliment him

Everyone loves to hear how beautiful, creative, smart or fun they are. Reminding never hurts. Complimenting your man genuinely is one of the most lovely ways to keep him happy every day.

7. Spend quality time together

Today the word ‘busy’ seems to be more important than ever. Everyone keeps saying how busy they are every day and what they have to do. Busy schedules make couples enjoy quality time once in awhile, and this, in turn, leads to misunderstandings and conflicts.
If you are always busy, how do you suppose to get to know your partner better? Is he happy when you are busy? People are never busy for those they love, so make sure you spend quality time together on a daily basis to keep your relationship going strong day by day.
Forget about your problems and busy schedule and find time to keep your significant other happy every day. I am sure he will do the same. Oftentimes, happy couples break up because they did not keep each other happy on a regular basis.
Now that you know how to keep your partner happy every day, what are you waiting for? Grab his hand or your phone to text him a romantic note right now. Or, if you have any other relationship secrets, do not forget to share them with me in the comment section.


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