Wednesday 13 July 2016

How to get a real Sound Sleep

A good rest is very important to our general well-being. We are supposed to rest when we sleep but it is possible to sleep without having a good rest. You can go to bed at night, for instance, and wake up in the morning still or even more exhausted.

This is not good for your skin, much more for your health; your eyes won’t be bright and alert when you don’t get well rested. The consequences may not be felt instantly but it is useful to know about them so you can do something about it to enjoy a healthy lifestyle and hen up with a glowing skin.
Some of the negative effects of not sleeping well are accumulated stress,forgetfulness, and impaired judgment. Each sleeping tip or group of them may or may not work well with different people and so it pays to experiment with and find the ones that work best for you.

Here are 5 tips to help you find enough rest when you sleep. 

1. Control your exposure to light for when you are asleep: Spend more time outside during daylight and let as much natural light into your home or workspace as possible. At night avoid bright screens about 1 to 2 hours before bed time and when it’s time to sleep keep the room dark but if you get up at night keep the lights down.

2. Wind down and clear your head before you sleep: Break the habit of being anxious about so many things in life just before you sleep. It is not good to stimulate your brain with worrying about things just before bed time. It usually interferes with your sleep time by making it difficult for you to fall asleep.

3. Improve your sleep environment: Make sure your bed is comfortable and reserve your bed for sleeping so that your brain associates bed with sleep. This will prepare your brain to help you relax before you sleep. You can also minimize the noise in your environment by sleeping with ear plugs.

4. Adhere to your body’s natural rhythms: Try to go to sleep and get up the same time every day. Your bed time should be around when you’re usually tired. If you’ll need an alarm clock to wake up it pays to go to bed early.

5. Get enough exercise: Regular exercise improves the symptoms of insomnia and increases the amount of time you spend in deep, restorative stages of sleep. A light exercise such as walk for 10 minutes can improve sleep.

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