Saturday 30 July 2016

Healthy things to eat when you are pregnant

Pregnancy is the most delicate period for a woman and for her unborn baby. So, if you are pregnant, it is important that you take extra care while choosing everything that goes into your mouth.
Pregnancy affects your immune system, and makes you and your child more susceptible to the bacteria and viruses that cause foodborne illnesses. There are certain fruits that need to be avoided during pregnancy. You want the best for your baby, so, in case you have missed out this instruction, here is a checklist of fruits to avoid during pregnancy. Keep this handy to ensure that you and your unborn baby stay healthy and safe.

The nutrients you need for a healthy pregnancy and where to get them.
Why: The amino acids found in protein are the building blocks of your baby's body.
Where: Get the daily recommended amount of 60 grams from any three of the following servings: 1 egg, 2 to 3 ounces cooked meat, 8 ounces skim milk, 1 cup yogurt, 1 ounce hard cheese, 2 tablespoons peanut butter or 1/2 cup cooked dried beans.

Why: Complex carbohydrates, such as those found in whole grains and certain vegetables, provide long-lasting energy and fiber, which helps prevent constipation. Avoid simple carbohydrates—found in white sugar, white flour and the foods that contain them (cakes, white bread)—because they are nutritionally empty and fattening.
Where: You'll need a whopping nine servings a day, which might come from: 1 slice whole wheat bread, 1 tortilla, 1/2 bagel, 1 ounce cold cereal, 1/2 cup cooked pasta or rice, 1 medium potato, 1/2 cup corn.

Why: Fats are an important source of energy, and they help you metabolize vitamins A, D, E, and K. Still, fats supply a lot of calories, so limit them to no more than one-third of your daily count.
Where: Have four of the following servings daily: 2 ounces cheese, 2 tablespoons peanut butter, 3/4 cup tuna salad, 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese, 1 tablespoon mayonnaise, 3 or 4 ounces lean meat, 1 egg or egg yolk, 1/2 small avocado, 1 tablespoon butter. When cooking, stick to the more healthful unsaturated fats, including olive, canola and peanut oils. Avoid less desirable saturated fats, found in meat and dairy products, as well as palm and coconut oils.

Why: Calcium is critical in building your baby's bones and teeth. If you don't consume enough during pregnancy, the fetus will rob your calcium stores, putting you at risk for bone loss.
Where: To get the necessary 1,200 milligrams, consume at least four of the following servings: 8 ounces skim milk, 1 cup raw dark green leafy vegetables (salad greens, broccoli, spinach, kale), 3 to 4 ounces canned salmon or sardines, 3/4 cup cottage cheese, 1 cup yogurt or 1 ounce hard cheese.

Why: Iron is required to make hemoglobin, the red-blood-cell component that carries oxygen through the bloodstream. During pregnancy, more hemoglobin is required to supply your baby with oxygen. And the fetus also uses iron to build its own blood supply.
Where: Pregnant women need twice as much iron—about 30 milligrams a day—so your doctor may prescribe a prenatal vitamin that contains iron. You should also try to eat some of the following foods daily: dried fruits, lean red meat, dried beans and pasta, whole-grain breads and dark green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin C
Why: This nutrient is essential because it helps in the manufacture of collagen, a protein that provides structure to your baby's bones, cartilage, muscles and blood vessels. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant, which means that it helps prevent disease.
Where: Your body can't store vitamin C, so it's crucial that you consume the necessary 65 milligrams daily. Get it by eating two to three of the following servings: 1/2 cup citrus-fruit juice, 1/2 grapefruit, 1 medium orange, 1/2 cup cantaloupe, 1/2 cup shredded cabbage or coleslaw, 2/3 cup cooked broccoli, 3/4 cup cooked cauliflower, 1 1/2 large tomatoes.

Folic Acid
Why: This B vitamin is used to produce the extra blood you and your baby need and helps some enzymes function. Taken before conception and early in pregnancy, folic acid also helps prevent neural-tube defects (which occur when the brain, spinal cord, or their coverings do not form normally) and cleft lip or palate (a gap in the lip or roof of the mouth).
Where: Good sources of folic acid include leafy green vegetables, broccoli, asparagus, lean beef, oranges, lentils and peanuts. The FDA now requires that pastas, breads and grains be enriched with folic acid, so be sure to eat plenty of these complex carbs. Your doctor may also prescribe a supplement—0.4 milligram a day for most women, 4.0 milligrams if you are at risk of having a baby with a neural-tube defect.

Vitamin A
Why: This nutrient is vital to healthy skin, bones, and eyes and helps to create the cells that will make up your baby's internal organs.
Where: You'll get all you need each day (800 micrograms) with just four servings of the following: 3/4 cup vegetable juice, 3/4 cup dark yellow vegetables, 8 ounces milk, 1/2 cup cantaloupe, 1 large peach or nectarine, 1 cup dark leafy vegetables. Caution: Excessive levels of vitamin A (over 10,000 IU) can be harmful to you and your baby, so don't overdo it with supplements.

Why: Vitamin D helps build bone, tissue, and teeth. It also enables your body to use calcium and phosphorus.
Where: Your four 8-ounce servings of skim milk are about the best source of the 10 micrograms you need daily. Egg yolks, sardines and canned salmon also provide vitamin D. Or get a little sunshine, which helps your skin manufacture it.

Why: This new addition to the must-have pregnancy diet has recently proved to aid fetal growth.
Where: You can get the necessary 20 milligrams a day in your recommended amount of whole grains, meat, and milk, as well as oysters, shellfish and other seafood.

Why: Water is essential for developing new cells, maintaining blood volume and processing other nutrients. It also minimizes swelling, constipation and your risk of urinary tract infections.
Where: Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day, including milk, fruit juices and decaffeinated tea or coffee.

Top Three (3) Fruits To Avoid While Pregnant
Many ladies had had miscarriages without understanding it might be because of the fruits that they eat in the course of the early state of being pregnant. On this brief submit, I might be sharing with you a few of the fruits to keep away from throughout being pregnant as they have an effect on the general make-up of your child.
·         UNRIPE & SEMI-RIPE PAPAYA: Pregnant ladies ought to keep away from consuming papaya has it could possibly result in miscarriage or early labor. Unripe and semi-ripe papayas are wealthy in latex which leads touterine contractions. The weblog additional reported that it’s believed that ripe papayas are good to eat throughout being pregnant as they’re wealthy in vitamin C and vitamins which cures being pregnant issues like heartburn and constipation. Papaya combined with honey and milk is a wonderful tonic for pregnant lady throughout lactation. To be on the safer aspect, keep away from having papayas.
·         PINEAPPLE: when you have a being pregnant complication, reminiscent of gestational diabetes, your wellbeing care supplier might advise you to scale back the quantity and sort of fruit you possibly can eat in an effort to hold your blood sugar at a wholesome degree. One among such fruit is pineapple because it might spike your blood sugar degree past regular.
·         GRAPES: Grapes are good to eat any day, any time due to their excessive focus of antioxidants. Nevertheless, for pregnant ladies, there have been findings that confirmed that grapes causes construct up of inner warmth that disturbs the event of the rising child.
Earlier than you determine to stick to any type of info, you’re suggested to talk together with your wellbeing care supplier. Don’t miss any of your schedule with the Physician and keep on with the advice given to you for the wellbeing of your unborn youngster.

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