Monday 27 June 2016

Clash Alert @ Millennium City Site…National Security Asked To Intervene

Accra could soon witness a bloody clash between land guards and developers at Millennium City, at Kasoa near Accra, following alleged feet dragging by the Police Service to deal with the tension brewing in the area. Reports say land guard who have been terrorizing residents now have a field day creating fear among residents already settled there.

Some of the aggrieved residents suspect the District Police Commander has been compromised because several complaints have been shelved with no concrete action to flush them from the area.

Reports gathered by the Citizen Mail, indicate some of these land guards openly wield weapons and chase developers on their plots of land while those who try to confront them are physically assaulted.

This is in spite of a local police post donated by the Estate Developer.

“We cannot understand why the Police Service mandated to ensure law and order can pretend to be unaware of the serious consequences. We have protested, lodged series of complaints, reported cases of assault yet no one has been arrested and prosecuted”  Madam Serwa Ankrah lamented.

Another resident, a retired banker, who prefers to be named as Kingsford for fear of being identified and killed said it is pathetic for law abiding Ghanaians to invest so much after years of hard work to experience sleepless nights in a community meant to give them peace after retirement.

Others blame the Police Administration of shirking its responsibility….An angry developer said “I blame the Inspector General of Police, COP John Kudalor. He is fully aware of the volatile situation in the area when he was the Director of Operations of the Ghana Police Service.

The Police Post was donated by the Mr. Kofi Asmah, Chief Executive of Millenim City. Some of the detached estates were also added to provide accommodation but it has virtually been reduced to a useless facility because the purpose for which it was built has been lost, 57-year ol Madam Edinam Kumasah claimed.

When contacted CEO of Millenium Estates, Kofi Asmah accused the Police of compromising with the land guards because they decline to intervene in most cases lodged at their office because of what some say are orders from above.

Mr Asmah said he has personally met the IGP and was asked to pay for the services of the National SWAT team to be deployed there. According to him, the contingent came but were later recalled after the leader of the land guard assured he will withdraw his men.

He lamented, “Those disputing the ownership of the land are freed to Court. But in most cases the Police has tried to handle the cases which has emboldened those influencing them”

He added that President John Mahama who recently visited the Pentecost University located in the area promised to construct a major road to facilitate movement to and from the area.

However a team of Ghana Highway officials who started mobilizing there were attacked by the land guards. Residents claim ECG officials who also tried to connect some homes to the national grid were also chased away.

Developers in the area are threatening to protect themselves since the authority mandated to do so is not interested.

“I cannot invest all my entire life savings only for a group of thugs people to terrorize me. Why is Ghana now a lawless country? Who will look into this case? Do they want bloodshed before they act?” Peter Ntsiful a businessman told this news paper.

They are appealing to National Security and the Office of the President to look into the matter to prevent any unfortunate incident. Citizens Mail will keep you updated.

Source: Citizen’s Mail

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