Thursday 12 May 2016

ways to use garlic for hair growth

The Woman's hair is meant to be her crowning glory. With a healthy, beautiful-looking mane, She feels confident and full of life.
 Too much styling using heat and chemicals leads to various hair issues like dryness, frizz, hair fall and less growth of hair. A proper diet, healthy lifestyle and balance in hormones will help determine the good development and health of your hair.
Garlic is widely known as a home remedy for reducing the shedding of hair. It boosts the regeneration of new hair and promotes the scalp circulation.

5 ways to use garlic for hair growth

• Add it to your shampoo/conditioner
The easiest thing that we usually change for hair growth is shampoo. Add garlic to your shampoo then use it on your hair. Honey is a great conditioner, you can add garlic juice to honey. The honey will nourish your hair and the garlic promotes hair growth. To reduce the odor you can add ginger, which also possesses some great minerals to nourish your hair.
PS: Don’t use garlic shampoo more than twice a month, overuse will dry your hair and scalp.

• With coconut oil
The next time you massage your hair with coconut oil, add some garlic juice to it. Simply crush a few garlic cloves and mix with one teaspoon coconut oil, heat the mixture for a few minutes and stir well. Let it cool then apply to your scalp and massage. Repeat 2-3 times a week for best results.

• Rub it in
About an hour before bed tear a garlic clove and rub it on the areas of hair loss. Wait an hour then massage your scalp using olive oil. Cover your hair using a cap or hood and sleep, wash your hair upon waking. The repeated process is likely to regrow your hair.

• With olive oil
Keep garlic pods in a bottle of olive oil for a week or so to prevent hair loss and promote hair growth. Apply the oil to your hair and scalp at night before you go to sleep. Wash your hair the next morning.

• Direct application
You can crush garlic and apply the juices directly to your scalp and hair. Leave it on for a few minutes before washing with shampoo and conditioner.

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