Monday 16 May 2016

Shut Up If You Can’t Prove Prez Mahama Is Corrupt...

A member of the National Democratic Congress legal team, Abraham Amaliba is asking all those criticizing  President John Mahama’s claims that he has never taken a bribe  to provide evidence to the contrary or “shut up.”

Amaliba was responding to critics of President Mahama’s recent comment on corruption.

“The president’s statement was categorical and if anybody has a contrary view then that person must provide evidence of him being corrupted before or he having taken bribe before. If you don’t have that evidence then I’m afraid, you have to shut up.”

President Mahama while in the UK for an anti-corruption summit told the BBC that he has never taken bribe before. The President also said he has fought corruption better than any other regime in Ghana.

But some Ghanaians have ridiculed the President’s comment saying his fight against corruption is a mirage since most scandals that have hit his government have been swept under the carpet.

Mr. Amaliba while speaking on Citi FM insisted that government has never relented in its fight against corruption.

He added that just accusing someone as being corrupt is not being fair to the person sicne “you must provide some prima facie case and that is to say, there must be some iota of truth in your claim before the state agencies can take it further.”

“You cannot just look at somebody’s face and his lifestyle and say he is corrupt; you may have to provide some basic evidence for that to be a basis for which such a person should be investigated,” he added.

Mahama has nothing to show for fight against corruption

The Convention Peoples Party (CPP) has indicated that President John Mahama has nothing to show for his fight against corruption in the Country.

According its Youth Organiser, Ernesto Yeboah, the President has only paid lip service on issues of graft in Ghana in his tenure.

“How did he deal with clear cases of corruption, clear cases where the court had ordered that he should go for our monies? What is happening to ISOFOTON for instance? So the president would do himself a lot of good if he desists from making such comments when it comes to the issue of corruption.”


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