Wednesday 25 May 2016

Crucial things you need to know about setting goals

Conscious goal setting is the foundation of any successful venture.Any goal that is worth setting is worth setting right now. Not next Monday. Not in the New Year. Today. If you find yourself procrastinating, that’s because the goal just isn’t that important to you.
Following directly on from that statement, I should make something absolutely clear: just because you don’t perceive a goal to be important enough at any given moment doesn’t mean that it isn’t a goal worth pursuing.
Sticking to a set goal is not an easy task,Its takes a lot of self discipline.
In whatever situation you find yourself in at this moment as you read my post please don’t be defined by your weakest moments;look to your moments of greatest strength and pick up strength and courage from the few good things you have set your mind to do and have achieved them.This will motivate you with regards to setting and achieveing your new Goal.
The question you must ask yourself is: “Will the necessary effort I have to put in to achieve this goal be matched or exceeded by the beneficial outcome?” If the answer is yes, you’ve just formed the reserve of motivation that you will need to rely upon in order to achieve that goal.The biggest step to achieving a goal is in understanding the necessary undertaking, and appreciating the potential outcome. These are not absolute terms; unless your goal is very simple, you won’t fully appreciate those two factors. However, the closer you are to understanding the necessary undertaking and potential outcome, the better you will be able to motivate yourself.So when it comes to setting goals, you need to be as educated as possible on what you set out to achieve. Seek to empower yourself with knowledge. The more you know about what you want to achieve, the better equipped you will be to achieve it.
crucial steps that you must follow in order to successfully achieve your goals
1.Understand the necessary effort and the potential beneficial outcome of your goals
2.Be able to break your goals down into manageable tasks which you can complete one step at a time.
3.Do one thing every day that brings you closer to your goals
4.Review your goals regularly, and remind yourself why you are doing what you’re doing.
5.Never Underestimate the Power of Positivity::Whatever your goal is, it is a goal for a reason. It is something that you want for yourself in the future. Let that passion and drive show. Reminding yourself about what you are working towards can help you get through momentary difficulty or unpleasantness.Sometimes, the best destinations force you to take the roughest trails.
6.Don’t Fill Yourself with False Hope:It is important to learn to distinguish between potentially feasible and impossible self-change goals in order to avoid overconfidence and false hopes leading to eventual failure and distress
7.Hold yourself accountable:Holding yourself accountable when it comes to goal setting is an extremely powerful tool. Avoid accountability at your peril, because it is one of most powerful forms of motivation you can grant yourself.The key to holding yourself accountable to your goals is to invest emotionally in what you are doing. Put yourself in a position where it will hurt to fail. Where it will be disappointing and embarrassing.

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