Thursday 17 March 2016

Ghana ranks 124th in Global Happiness Report

Apparently, citizens of some countries are happier that the citizens of others, but generally majority of the world's citizens can afford some amount of happiness.
And Ghana has placed 124th in the world, based on social equality, wellbeing and life expectancy and economic conditions of citizens.
This is according to the fourth Gallup World Happiness Report, which states that about 75% of the world's population are happy.

This general contentment, notwithstanding, Denmark has been adjudged the world's happiest county and Burundi the least happy county in the world.
The report also social  identified inequality as the biggest factor of discontent and unhappiness in  most countries, which is why countries with strong social security systems like Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, and the leading country Denmark, made up the top five on in the report.
The report also showed only a marginal correlation between a country economic success and the happiness of its citizens.
For instance the US, the world's leading economy, placed 13th on the Happiness Report, with the UK placing 23rd, China 83rd and India 118th.
At the bottom of the 156 countries on the list was Burundi, which is experiencing severe political unrest and the threat of violence. It scored worse than Syria, where a civil war has killed more than 250,000 people over the past five years.
The survey found Syrians had a better healthy-life expectancy and were also seen as being more generous than Burundians and people in the three other nations - Togo, Afghanistan and Benin - making up the five least happy countries.

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