Monday 22 February 2016

Hot Bathing Water Business Booms In Kumasi

Bathing with hot water although considered by most people to be a luxury, is perceived as a necessity in some parts of Ghana.

One common scene to observe in some suburbs in Kumasi lately is the queue of people buying hot water for bathing. Commercialisation of hot bathing water is a common practice in suburbs like Aboabo, Dagomba line and Asuase in Kumasi in the Ashanti Region.

At one of the sales joint, Tanko Mohammed, 60, has been in the business for five years after giving up his business of fabrication of aluminum pots. He has two big barrels of water sitting on metal tripods with burning fire under it. Mohammed’s business booms in times of cold weather, when patronage is high.

“I cannot tell how much I make in every day as my sales are tied to the weather,” Mohammed said. The hot bathing water is sold at ¢0.10 per container which measures about two liters.

For Munira Fusseini, 16, it is a family business, which started in 2013. Funds from this business are used to pay for her school fees.

“Sales are different depending on the time of day. On the average, I make between ¢15 - ¢17 in the mornings because residents mostly don't bath in the morning. I make ¢20 in the evenings.” Saliu Mohammed, 17, a student spends ¢1.40 weekly on hot bathing water for the past six years.

“As someone who suffers from rheumatism I feel pains in my legs when I bath with cold water,” said Mohammed.

Zakari Ibrahim cannot do without hot bathing water.

“When I had flu it took a longer time to heal, but since I started bathing hot water it has stopped.”

Ibrahim told Joy Business reporter, Prince Appiah, bathing with hot water has helped keep illness like fever and malaria away from him.

From all indications the business of selling hot bathing water may just be helping to bridge the unemployment gap in these communities, it is only a matter of time before it is replicated in other communities across the country.

Source: JFM Ghana

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