Monday 28 September 2015

ROMANCE: Gifty Anti And Fiance Dazzle Fans...

Barely 24 hours after Nana Ansah Kwaw IV confessed his unquenchable love for Gifty Anti on air, the TV goddess has responded in an even more romantic fashion, online.

Anti took to facebook and poured her all; her undying love for the Royal Highness the host of Joy FM's That's My Opinion.

Prior to what can now be described as a who loves who more contest in the media, the two love birds for months remained tight-lipped on their relationship.

There were rumours about the love relationship between the two until Nana Ansah Kwaw broke the ice on his show, Wednesday.

Nana Ansah Kwaw, who goes by the stool name, Oyiakehyire Nana Ansah Kwaw IV of Adumasa, after successfully hosting the Eid edition of his show sent a love quoted holiday dedication to Gifty.

“I take this opportunity to wish; probably this is going to be headlines tomorrow, my lovely, sweet, significant other half Gifty Anti a happy Eid. I wish you a very happy Eid sweetheart and enjoy your day,” an excited Nana said.

The chief added, that, “Three minutes I will be off air, I will be rushing to you.”

It is evident Gifty Anti was touched by the message prompting her to go public with her love declaration.

She posted on Facebook, “Oyekechire Ansah Kwaw… The OAK. That was one swell of a Bold and daring statement you made on air today.. Publicly declaring your love for me? Wow. .. It sure feels great and I am humbled… You are one Strong OAK….”

“But I am sorry to say that ….I love you more, more and Very much too (lol), Your Royal Highness. – feeling loved,” the host of The Standpoint declared.

Nana Ansah Kwaw and Gifty Anti are preparing to tie the knot soon.

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