Friday 18 September 2015

Ezenator Has My Blessings – Ex-Prez Rawlings

Former President Jerry John Rawlings has said attempts by some political figures in the National Democratic Congress (NDC) to make his daughter, Ezenator, unpopular will not work.

In an interview with Citi News during an inspection of the dredging of the Korle lagoon, spearhearded by his daughter, the former President said Ezenator is a formidable candidate and that she has always had the desire to serve people.

The Former President openly declared his support for his daughter, saying “she asked for it and we have given her our blessings. She has always had the passion for helping people anyway. If she has made this choice, why not? So far as it is in the interest of the people I think we will support her.”

Some ‘faceless’ members of the Korle Klottey constituency, where Ezenator filed to contest the November 7 primaries, have questioned her loyalty, claiming they do not know her as a member of the NDC.

A few weeks ago, the constituency was washed with posters with images, supposedly of all three children of the former President, including Dr. Ezenator, wearing the colours of the break-away National Democratic Party (NDP).

In an exclusive interview with Citi News however, she rubbished those claims and said she is not even the one on the poster.

She urged her constituents to ignore attempts to paint her as an ‘outsider.’

“I’ve been a member of the NDC since 2006 and my mother registered me as at that time…I think the important thing is that we keep the focus on the important matters,” she said.


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