Sunday 3 May 2015

Mahama apologises to Dansoman residents for power-cuts

President John Mahama has apologised to the residents of Dansoman whom he said had to endure continuous power cuts for five consecutive days.
Speaking at this year's May Day celebrations, the president said he was concerned about the seeming ineffective management of the power rationing system.
He said it was regrettable that contrary to the advertised schedule of 24 hours power cut and 12 hours supply, some residents have had to endure lights out for days.
"As I was preparing to come here this morning, I kept receiving numerous complaints from ordinary Ghanaians of having been without power for between 48 and 72 hours instead of the 24 hours advertised. This was particularly so, I am told, in Dansoman last week when residents went nearly five days without power a fault in the system," he stated.

The president urged managers of the power systems to stick to the schedule.
"I wish to apologise to our brothers and sisters who live in the Dansoman area for the inconvenience they had to go through and I urge our electricity distribution companies in this time of crisis to fully deploy their customer service capacities to be able to respond to customer concerns in a timely fashion," the president said.
He described the power crisis as a temporary challenge which will be surmounted in the not too distant future.
According to him, smart businesses recognise this and are therefore not laying off workers, but "are rather investing more resources to expand their production in Ghana."
The Secretary General of the Trades Union Congress (TUC), Mr. Kofi Asamoah had said workers were losing hope in the ability of government to fix the current power crisis.
In a speech at the May Day celebrations at the Independence Square, Mr Asamoah said the incessant power cuts over the past years have seriously affected the incomes of workers.
 But the president said, "Our power supply challenges are temporary and we would soon consider them to be a bad nightmare from which we have awoken."

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