Sunday 1 February 2015

ECG Tells Consumers: Don't Expect Regular Time Table For Load-Shedding Unless

Public Relations Manager for the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) Mr. William Boateng has stated that Ghanaians should not expect a regular time table for the load shedding in the country.

According to him, a quantum of generation is needed to draw the time table for the country but as it stands now, the deficit is so high that that there is no specific quantum to draw the time table for the entire country.

Speaking on Oman Fm’s Morning Show, Mr. Boateng revealed that every power cut in the classified areas such as hospitals, water works and security zones are not from the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) as such control in these vital areas are under the supervision of GRIDCo.

The Ghana Medical Association has had cause to complain about how the erratic power supply is affecting their job at the various hospitals and the likely consequences of such on the life of patients.

Reacting to the issue, the ECG Public Relations Manager said there is already an arrangement for hospitals as they are part of the vital institution earmarked for prominence and so their power is hardly touched.

He underscored that if the load shedding is intensified as it is now, the supplier of the power puts it off from the volt point; adding ECG doesn’t have control again on these vital institutions if the erratic is higher.

“For instance, if they knock-off from Mallam and it exceeds to Korle-Bu, then Korle-Bu will go off and that is not the doing of ECG controlling the power because the system has become such that if GRIDCo does not put such measures in place the whole country will face a system collapse. So it is not deliberate on our part to put the power off at vital installation because of load shedding”.

“There is nothing ECG can do about it because we don’t have control over it. There is a committee looking into the erratic power situation so that those vital areas will not go off frequently like this and that will give some control to ECG to manage….if the generation is not corresponding well and you don’t put the vital areas off, the whole country will collapse…..the committee will need the quantum of generation available to draw the time table but as at now, the deficit is so high that there is no specific quantum to do that (draw a time table),” William Boateng stated.

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