Tuesday 20 January 2015

INJUSTICE:Kenya police tear-gas children as young as 6-years-old in playground protest

A powerful politician is reported by the Associated Press (AP) to have grabbed the property on which the playground is sited, thus attempts to evict the schoolchildren.

Boniface Mwangi said Monday that the students from Langata Road Primary School were in the front line of people pulling down a wall erected around the playground which has been acquired by a private developer said to be a powerful politician.

Primary school children in Kenya are usually between six and 13 years of age.Police spokesman Masoud Mwinyi was not available for comment.Elijah Mwangi, who was in charge of the police officers at the school, said he was following orders.

A twitter war broke out between Kenyans after the incident. The property has been confiscated and described by critics as a land grab.

This is not the first time Kenyan Police have fired teargas on students.

In November 2014, barely two months ago, Reuters reported that Kenyan police used teargas to disperse demonstrators shouting "President, Stop the killings!" outside President Uhuru Kenyatta's offices, in a protest over 28 people killed in a weekend attack claimed by Islamist militants.

The crowd also laid crosses and four coffins outside the building during the protest dubbed #OccupyHarambeeAve, a reference to the president's address. Backers also lit up Twitter with demands the government act to prevent attacks - the most deadly of which, on a shopping mall, killed 67 in 2013.

As armed police stood nearby, protesters chanted "Lenku must go!" "Kimaiyo must go!", demanding that the president remove Interior Minister Joseph ole Lenku, who is in charge of security, and Inspector General of Police David Kimaiyo.

Kenyatta was out of Kenya, East Africa's largest economy, at the time of the protest attended by about 200 people.

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