Sunday 14 December 2014

This Is "Totally Unacceptable"; What Is Really Going On?

Bernard Mornah, General Secretary of the People's National Convention (PNC), has jibed Government and the Ministry of Energy for failing to communicate effectively on its transfer of Ghana National Gas Company ownership to the Ghana National Petroleum Company (GNPC).

The attention of the Board of Directors of the Ghana National Gas Company (Ghana Gas) was drawn to various news items and articles that there had been takeover of the company by the GNPC.

However, in a statement signed by Dr. Kwesi Botchwey (Board Chairman of the company); there has not been a single meeting with the Transaction Advisor appointed by the Ministry of Finance and Ghana Gas over the issue.

The statement further said that the "Board of Ghana Gas has as of today not passed any resolution nor has the Board filed the necessary papers to effect the change in ownership."

The government is said not to have clearly communicated the transfer to the company.

Speaking on "Alhaji and Alhaji" on Radio Gold, Bernard Mornah slammed the government for allowing the transaction to happen on the blind side of the Ghana Gas Board members.

According to him, the communication breach between the GNPC and Ghana Gas could affect investor confidence in the sectors that these companies operate.

“So, if the Government of Ghana through the Ministry of Energy decides that look, we’re no more interested in keeping you as an independent or autonomous company to deal with Ghana gas alone but we want to have you back on the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation, then it is the decision of government. So, government needed to communicate this effectively. 

“Now that it was not done and it was communicated in a budget statement so that the people who are working, they know their Board members. They know their CEOs. They know their workers of Ghana Gas Company suddenly got to hear through a budget statement that look, the processes of Ghana Gas to be handed over or taken over by Ghana National Petroleum Authority; I think that it doesn’t go well for the working relationship of government," he stated.

“What is wrong? What is wrong and what is going on? Why is it not possible for the Ministry of Energy to have communicated this to the Ghana Gas Company? Why is it not possible for a communication of that sort to have transpired between the Ministry of Finance and Ghana Gas Company?” he questioned the Ministry's inability to meet with Ghana Gas before transfer.

He further advised the government to "do much [much] better. Government should honour the people that it has put in certain places. Give them the kind of respect and dignity of office.

But "in this particular case, I think that they were not given. I cannot at any point pretend that it is an exciting news…It is totally unacceptable," Bernard Mornah insisted.

Source: Ameyaw Adu Gyamfi/

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