Thursday 25 December 2014

Have Early Dinner To Prevent Pot Belly - Health Minister Tells Ghanaians

The Minister for Health Dr. Kwaku Agyemang-Mensah has advised Ghanaians especially the youth to adopt safe and healthy practices in order to stay safe during the yuletide. He said Ghana needs a strong and healthy population for the year 2015.

The admonition was contained in his Christmas and New Year Message to Ghanaians, in which he outlined some health tips to ensure a healthier and happier year.

Below is the full message:-


Ghana needs you strong and healthy for the year 2015. The year 2015 looks promising and brighter but it is only when one has optimal health that you can create wealth for a healthier and happy year. The Ministry of Health wishes to use this opportunity to advise all Ghanaians especially the youth to stay healthy and safe during this Christmas festivities, so as to help achieve the healthy population for national development promised by the government.

The Ministry therefore recommends the following health tip to ensure a successful, merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

1. You are what you eat and drink so it is important to watch what you eat this Christmas season to stay healthier during and after the season. We must try to reduce the consumption of excess meat, saturated and trans fatty foods (deeply fried foods), too much salt in our meals, excess sugar in pastries and soft drinks, and over consumption of alcoholic beverages. We should still not forget to include more vegetables in our festive meals and eat a lot of fruits throughout the season. Let natural fruit juices replace your soft drinks.

2. Try to eat safe and fresh foods. Use safe food keeping practices e.g. freezing and heating all leftover food before eating.

3. Drink at least 8 glasses or 6-8 sachets of water each day. It will flush toxins and waste from your body and thin your blood for effective circulation.

4. Try to have early dinner to prevent pot belly, obesity and related diseases. You may consider vegetable soup or fruits for your dinner for easy digestion.

5. Quit smoking and drink responsibly.

6. Exercise regularly at least 30 minutes three times a week.

7. Ensure clean environment and do not litter around to avoid diseases.

8. Have enough rest to control stress. Early to bed early to rise! Sleeping early will help you rest and build your cells and tissues for a regenerative morning.

9. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before eating and after visiting the lavatory.

10. Avoid direct contact with body fluids of a person suffering from Ebola by using protective materials like gloves, goggles, and masks

11. Disinfect the beddings and clothing of an infected person with disinfectant

12. Persons suspected to be suffering from Ebola should be taken to the nearest health unit immediately

13. People who have died from Ebola should be promptly and safely buried under strict supervision


Source: Minister for Health, Dr. Kwaku Agyemang-Mensah

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