Thursday 18 December 2014

Bill Cosby’s Daughter Defends Her Father On Facebook

Bill Cosby and Evin Cosby
Bill Cosby’s daughter, Evin Cosby, is on Facebook actively defending her father against allegations that he drugged and raped women decades ago.
Evin is breaking her silence in a series of Facebook posts in which she questions the veracity of the women’s stories. Coincidentally, Evin’s mom, Camille Cosby, also spoke out yesterday in defense of Cosby. She questioned why the media is so willing to take Cosby’s accusers at their word.

Evin wrote:
Rape is a serious allegation and it is suppose to be taken VERY seriously but so is Falsely accusing someone. When someone rapes a person they go to prison. THAT should also happen to the person that has wrongfully accused an innocent victim.They are not ONLY destroying innocent people’s life they are ALSO making it hard for the MEN and Women to find justice when they have been raped.

An hour later, she wrote:
Drugged — you can remember the whole damn day but you were drugged? Just sayin. Memory- you can remember you looked at (allegedly) eachother, people were starring allegedly remembering your home address allegedly the name you called him allegedly But you were allegedly drugged.

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