Saturday 1 November 2014

Happy New Month To All My Lovely Readers:Never Give UP

Life is a struggle. Life will through curveballs at you, it will humble you, it will attempt to break you down. And just when you think things are starting to look up, life will smack you back down with ruthless indifference.

The reason most people never achieve their dreams is because they simply give up. Life was never meant to be easy – its a constant struggle, with extreme lows and extreme highs. Remember that the times when its most important to persevere are the times that you will be most tested.

Things don’t go wrong and break your heart so you can become bitter and give up. They happen to break you down and build you up so you can be all that you were intended to be.Courage doesn't always roar, sometimes it’s the quiet voice at the end of the day whispering ‘I will try again tomorrow.

And remember:NEVER NEGLECT TO PRAY.Have a Blessed and Fulfilling Month my wonderful readers.Thanks for your support and time to pass by my blog always.Am Grateful.

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