Saturday 29 November 2014

Ghanaians, Advised To Portray Positive Attitude towards Work

The Governor of Association of Certified Quality Assurance [ACQA] Dr. N.G.K. Parker has admonished all public sector and private workers to change their attitude towards work since time is extremely vital for wealth creation.

Dr. Parker who gave this advice during an interview added that, when all and sundry in the country eliminate bureaucracy and poor attitude towards work, in the country, productivity will increase and later strengthen the economy as well.

According to him numerous organizations are collapsing as a result of attitudinal change towards work. This he said, a lot of people always waste time on works that one could take a few seconds to finish. According to him such attitudes are the recipes for low productivity. He said to address the canker heads of various institutions must endeavour to supervise and monitor their subordinates in order to uphold best practices that will enhance quality service delivery

Touching on made in Ghana goods and services , he stated that Ghanaian manufacturers or producers must add value to their products in order to attract both local and international consumers. According to him , this goal all institutions in the country should endeavour to at least have quality assurance practitioners in their companies in order to help them come out with quality products and services. This he said would also help them to meet the international standard.

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