Saturday 8 November 2014

Alcohol, Drugs Not A Factor In Robin Williams' Suicide

Actor and comedian Robin Williams died by suicide, according to a report released Friday from the coroner in Marin County, California. Neither drugs nor alcohol were involved in his death, despite rampant speculation at the time, though prescription drugs were found in “therapeutic concentrations,” the report noted.

Williams, 63, was found dead in his California home on Aug. 11 from what authorities initially believed was a suicide. Along with leaving behind a more than 40-year career in Hollywood, he was survived by a wife and three children. A death certificate obtained by CNN, which first published the news of the coroner’s report, revealed that Williams’ ashes were scattered into the Pacific Ocean one day after he was found.

While the actor and comedian was sober at the time of his death, his widow Susan Schneider revealed in a statement in August that he had been struggling with depression, anxiety and in the early stages of Parkinson’s disease after first being diagnosed in November 2013.

“Robin spent so much of his life helping others,” Schneider said at the time, as quoted by CNN. “Whether he was entertaining millions on stage, film or television, our troops on the front lines, or comforting a sick child -- Robin wanted us to last and to feel less afraid.”

She added that he seemed to be experiencing “a recent increase in paranoia.” That was evident when, in the days before his death, Williams stuffed a number of wristwatches into a sock and hid them at a friend’s house for safekeeping for seemingly no reason.

The coroner’s report said Williams’ body was found at approximately 11:45 a.m. by a personal assistant who entered his locked room when he didn’t answer the door.

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